Premium Blue Blend from Coffee Roasters Asia

 Premium Blue Blend - A Twist With Sweet & Tang

Whole Bean Coffee Bag

Coffee has very interesting twist. You taste a sweet and smooth overall taste followed by light tang at the very end of a sip.
In addition, it has a very intense sweet aroma which will fill your whole kitchen in the morning.  Along with sweet and smooth taste, you can taste fruity & floral flavor with a very light touch of caramel.

Coffee Bean Close Up

Besides Classic Black Blend, this would be one of my top pick among Coffee Roasters Asia.
Compared to Classic Black Blend, Premium Blue has tad more crisp taste. If you like Classic Black Blend, this one would be a good addition to your coffee stocks. Lastly, this is pretty hard beans and it require quite a bit effort to hand grind them.

Medium Roast whole beans (200g bag)
Origin: Guatemala, Ethiopia, Others
Hand ground by Hario Mini Mill
Water Temp- 92°C (197.6°F)
Kalita Wave Glass Dripper
Ratio - 12g beans : 240g water


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